Skills blog

Break the Ice with Confidence: 7 Opening Lines for Difficult Conversations

We’ve all been there: facing a conversation which won’t be easy. Whether it’s addressing a performance issue with a direct report, providing feedback to a manager or tackling a misunderstanding with a colleague, starting the conversation can be tough. Your uncertainty about how the other person might respond can make you hesitate, or even avoid […]

Want to make larger sales & manage key accounts?
Want To Make Larger Sales & Manage Key Accounts?

Your sales career is going reasonably well. You usually achieve your goals. You work hard. But now you want to move up a gear and make larger sales and manage some of your organisation’s key accounts. Where do you start? The crucial point is to realize that when you move into larger sales, you need […]

How to give praise as a manager
The Right Kind of Praise

Praise motivates! Most managers know the importance of giving praise, however be careful. It’s all too easy to give the wrong kind of praise which can limit potential and actually be counterproductive. As a leader/manager focused on improving results, you need to build grit and resilience in your team. To help achieve this you need […]

Sales & Leadership tips from Taylor Swift
Sales & Leadership Tips From Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift has extraordinary interpersonal skills. She is a superstar at ‘people buy people first’. Yes, she is an incredible songwriter and singer, but these skills alone are not usually enough to produce such spectacular, global success. It’s her ability to win people over that warrants further investigation. So, just how does she get people […]

The First Rule of Business – Be Responsive

Top sportspeople when they are not playing at their best, know the key to get back on form is to revisit the basics. Golfers use a coach to check their swing, tennis players their shots. Mastery of the fundamentals is where excellence begins. The same applies to sales and leadership.

How to get people to like you - foundation sales skill
How To Get People To Like You

You’ve heard it before – people buy people first, and whatever else second. It’s one of the timeless principles of selling and it is as true today as it has always been. If people don’t feel they can work with you, if they don’t feel comfortable or trust you, they will usually not tell you – but they

Solution selling - fall in love with the problem
Your New Sales Credo?

‘Fall In Love with the Problem, Not the Solution’ is the title of the best selling book by Uri Levine. Written as a practical guide for startups and entrepreneurs the book highlights the importance of fully understanding the concerns of your target market and making that your priority, NOT your solution. The same applies to selling. In fact, it

Reduce perception of risk - foundation sales skill
Reduce Risk – Foundation Sales Skill

If you want to persuade your customer to buy your solution, you must first convince them that the risk of doing so is low. Buying is a risky business, especially in today’s economy. Salespeople often fear rejection, but the customer also has a fear – the fear of making a mistake, of paying too much, […]

Encouragement - your leadership superpower
Encouragement – Your Leadership Superpower

Do you perform better with encouragement? So do your people. Think of encouragement as a gift you give to bring out the best in others. As a manager, think of your last interaction with a member of your team, take a moment to reflect on


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