Back in the tumultuous days of March 2020, our resident presentation skills team were wondering how to adapt the LDL Presentation Skills programme to the new remote working environment. At the time, we didn’t know if the transition to remote learning would be a temporary, or a permanent change. A year later, it seems like […]
Traditional face-to-face (F2F) training has always been the default option for learning. It’s engaging, it’s interactive, and done well it’s enjoyable. But in today’s environment general unease around travel and group meetings make it less than ideal. While some may adopt a ‘wait and see’ approach, for others the solution is LIVE virtual instructor-led training (VILT).
One of the most effective tactics available to buyers is the price challenge. It is very simple to use, and can be very effective. Perhaps you have heard one of these before: Let’s now go into a little more detail about responding to the price challenge, and in particular how to tell if the client’s […]
So you have identified a potential customer, built rapport with them and used your sales skills to get them to want to buy from you. But once they have decided to buy, they turn their attention to getting the best deal, the best price, the best terms. They start to negotiate.