Inspirational Leadership

Posted on October 12th, 2020

Inspirational Leadership

Leadership skills boost performance and reduce attrition, but high performance doesn't just happen. It takes special skills to motivate and inspire people to perform at a high level on a regular basis. This masterclass shows you how.

Managers with good leadership skills breathe life, confidence and 'can-do' into the organisation. They unlock 30% discretionary effort. They move us. People work for a manager, they do their best for a leader.

There are many programmes on leadership, so why attend this one? Because it will help you to connect to your leadership role from a very different perspective.

  inspiring leadership quote        

With insights from many examples of best practice, this fast-moving programme takes you through 8 strategies to inspire, engage and coach your people to achieve outstanding results.

Click here to read a Delegate's Experience of Inspirational Leadership.

"I cannot speak highly enough about the content and the number of actions and ideas that I can implement immediately … the sheer force of enthusiasm." - DW, Managing Director, Rapid News

On Demand Version - with Robin Fielder

LDL also offer this programme as a self-directed, online leadership course - The Inspirational Leader. Presented by Robin Fielder the programme shows you, step-by-step, how to lead, motivate and inspire your team to better results.

Leadership skills boost performance and reduce attrition, but high performance doesn’t just happen. It takes special skills to motivate and inspire people to perform at a high level on a regular basis. This masterclass shows you how.

Managers with good leadership skills breathe life, confidence and ‘can-do’ into the organisation. They unlock 30% discretionary effort. They move us. People work for a manager, they do their best for a leader.

inspiring leadership quote

With insights from many examples of best practice, this fast-moving programme takes you through 8 strategies to inspire, engage and coach your people to achieve outstanding results.

Click here to read a Delegate’s Experience of Inspirational Leadership.

“I cannot speak highly enough about the content and the number of actions and ideas that I can implement immediately … the sheer force of enthusiasm.” – DW, Managing Director, Rapid News

On Demand Version – with Robin Fielder

LDL also offer this programme as a self-directed, online leadership course – The Inspirational Leader.
Presented by Robin Fielder the programme shows you, step-by-step, how to lead, motivate and inspire your team to better results.

  • How to motivate and inspire those around you
  • 8 strategies for inspirational leaders – How to move beyond command and control
  • How to unlock discretionary effort – the ONE question you must ask
  • The new science of motivation. Insights from psychology and neurochemistry
  • 9 make-or-break ways to encourage extraordinary performance from people
  • Why you must build confidence and self-belief in those you lead
  • How to connect personal goals to business goals
  • 3 steps to share your strategy and vision. The importance of buy in
  • How to coach others to greatness. Lessons from Ross Brawn, Steve Jobs, Carly Fiorina, Satya Nadella
  • Execution. How to bridge the gap between goals and results
  • How to be a positive agent of change
  • How to grow people. Modern leaders create an environment where people feel terrific about themselves
  • A great place to work. How to inspire creativity, innovation and grit.
  • 6 key ways to build a winning team. When a team member operates in a climate that encourages winning, he or she tends to become a high-performer
  • How to tap the inherent worth of the task. He or she who has a ‘why’ to live for can bear almost any ‘how’

This programme is available on request for either in-person or virtual delivery.

Also available as a self-directed, online course.

“Presentation was superb and content easy to use and very relevant to real life situations. I’ve been on many similar courses and this was by far the best I’ve encountered..” – SD, Commercial Ops Director, Touch Creative


“Robin provides in one day, what many other providers struggle to get across in a month.” – GM, Managing Director, Inviron


“I left this event feeling inspired and with some great new tips and ideas… I recommend all our senior staff attend this.” – PT, Partner, KPMG


“If you manage people you should see Robin deliver ‘Inspirational Leadership’, you will be stunned at how much you can learn in one day.” – JK, Partner, Ambis Resourcing


“Just so packed with implementable practical solutions. I’ve never felt so motivated or empowered by any training experience in my career.” – AP, Director, Pharmacom Media


“A number of our Directors and Partners have recently experienced the Inspirational Leadership seminar led by Robin. Feedback has been fantastic.” – NI, Head of Learning, Deloitte


“Thank you for what was without doubt the most useful training day I have ever experienced in my professional career” – SM, Director, Anderson Spratt


“Fast paced, great content, interesting examples, passionate and motivated Robin” – CB, Business Manager, British Energy


“Excellent. Right pace to refresh existing knowledge and introduce new ideas” – MG, Deputy Head of Business Banking, RBS


“Excellent. Real examples which can be implemented immediately, quick wins.” – MM, Sales Manager, Virgin Direct


“Loved it. Inspirational, energetic but practical” – EN, Managing Director, ACNielsen


“Made me stop in my tracks and reevaluate all the interactive communication points I have as a leader. Superb presentation and delivery by Robin” – IM, Director, Credit Agricole Asset Management


For details on how to book Inspirational Leadership for your team please call us on +44(0)20 7381 6233 or complete the enquiry form.

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