Public and Conference Speaking

Posted on October 12th, 2020

Public and Conference Speaking

You are asked to make a speech at a conference or a public event because people want to hear what you have to say. Perhaps you are director of a company, or have valuable expertise in a particular area. The point is that you have something important to offer your audience - but this doesn't mean that you are already skilled in the art of public speaking.

Perhaps you are nervous. Perhaps you haven’t done something like this before – or perhaps you have, and regretted not making more of the opportunity. At LDL we offer focused public speaking coaching to help you refine your message, and engage your audience.

How to prepare and tailor. How to structure and communicate ideas. How to handle questions and use visual aids. These are all the subject of public and conference speaking. A lot of it is about confidence, and confidence comes with practise.

We can go over your script and help to craft notes that will not only indicate what to say, but how to say it. Video coaching and focused one-to-one tuition. Rehearsal and preparation techniques.

It’s not about forcing a particular style on you, but on working to develop your own style. To help you to be at your best when it counts.

For further information please complete our enquiry form or call one of our team of learning advisors on +44 (0)20 7381 6233

You are asked to make a speech at a conference or a public event because people want to hear what you have to say. Perhaps you are director of a company, or have valuable expertise in a particular area. The point is that you have something important to offer your audience – but this doesn’t mean that you are already skilled in the art of public speaking.

Perhaps you are nervous. Perhaps you haven’t done something like this before – or perhaps you have, and regretted not making more of the opportunity. At LDL we offer focused public speaking coaching to help you refine your message, and engage your audience.

How to prepare and tailor. How to structure and communicate ideas. How to handle questions and use visual aids. These are all the subject of public and conference speaking. A lot of it is about confidence, and confidence comes with practice.

We can go over your script and help to craft notes that will not only indicate what to say, but how to say it. Video coaching and focused one-to-one tuition. Rehearsal and preparation techniques.

It’s not about forcing a particular style on you, but on working to develop your own natural style.

For further information please complete our enquiry form or call one of our team of learning advisors on +44 (0)20 7381 6233

This is an in-company programme. LDL are specialists in training for this demanding and exacting leadership role. It’s what we do best!
Call +44 (0)20 7381 6233 for details.

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