The 12 Major Causes of Failure in Leadership
Leadership training normally focuses on what you should do, however it is is just as important to know what NOT to do.
- Inability to organise detail. When a leader admits that they are ‘too busy’ to change their plans or give attention to any aspect of their work, they admit their inability to do the job.
- Unwillingness to do what we would ask another to do. When occasion demands the effective leader is always willing to perform any work they would ask another to perform.
- Expectation of pay for what we ‘know’ instead of what we do. This world does not pay us for what we know – it pays us for what we do, or inspire others to do.
- Fear of competition from others. Whatever we fear invariably happens. The leader who fears one of their followers may take their position is practically sure to realise that fear sooner or later.
- Lack of creative thinking. Without creative thinking the leader is incapable of creating plans with which to guide their people effectively.
- ‘I’ syndrome. The leader who claims all the honour for the work of the team is sure to be met by resentment. The effective leader claims none of the honours but ensures, when there are any, that they go to the team.
- Over indulgence. (eg intemperance) in any of its various forms destroys endurance and vitality.
- Disloyalty. The leader who is not loyal to their colleagues, those above and those below, will not maintain their leadership very long. Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure and loss of respect in every walk of life.
- Emphasis of the ‘authority of leadership’. Eg: “Do this or you’re fired”. The leader leads by encouraging and not by trying to instil fear in his followers. Instilling fear comes within the category of leadership by force. History has shown that this is a FORM of leadership, it does work – but it NEVER LASTS.
- Emphasis of title. The leader who makes too much of their ‘title’ generally has little else to make very much of!
- Lack of understanding of the destructive effect of a negative environment.
- Being so heavenly minded, they are no earthly good! The leader who has a grand vision for the future but no idea of how to go about executing it will rapidly lose the trust and respect of the team.
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