Scottish Water

With over 5 million customers Scottish Water aims to deliver one of the best value for money packages in the water industry. Customers are at the heart of the business and Scottish Water is dedicated to improving the service they provide.

The appointment of a new CEO presented an opportunity to re-brand Scottish Water to meet the challenges of the next five years. The business was restructured and new systems introduced to help managers not only meet their objectives but also manage and lead people effectively. The challenge was to engage people and win acceptance for the re-structure and the new systems.

LDL was asked to design a programme to enable all managers and team leaders to positively engage their people in the proposed changes. The workshop based solution was called ‘Leadership for Engagement: Leading Change’ and focused on developing the right behaviours in line with corporate values.

The workshops ran for a year and all senior managers, managers and team leaders attended with the full support of the executive team. 250 individuals participated.

The outcome is a leadership workforce with the confidence to lead people through any period of change. Managers have a clearer understanding of what is required of them together with the leadership skills to inspire and engage their teams.