Professional Services

Learning solutions designed for the professional services sector

Without question the performance of your professional services firm depends primarily on the quality of your knowledge-based expertise. But in a competitive marketplace it also depends on your ability to develop new business, negotiate fees and make presentations, as well as to lead, manage and coach team members. That’s where LDL can help.

At LDL we have substantial experience of working closely with the professional services sector: clients include lawyers, accountants, advertising professionals, architects, engineers, consultants and financial advisors. Over many years we have developed a range of specialist programmes tailored to the requirements of the sector.


Why LDL?

Professionals like working with LDL because of the high quality of our training and its focus on the specific challenges they face, in the language they use, and a style that is replicable in their business environment. LDL programmes have been developed over many years of working with individuals and organisations in professional services.

Business development is becoming an increasingly important strategic focus for professional service firms. But how to go about it? Selling professional services is very different from selling any kind of product. Buyers can’t see or feel what you are selling, and very often those who sell will also be responsible for delivering the service.
LDL Business Development training for professionals is designed to build consultative-partner selling skills for selling, cross-selling and up-selling to both new and existing clients, in a style and language that is appropriate to the selling of a professional service. Building and maintaining relationships is an important focus.

“Well delivered, timed and structured. Insightful and actually directly applicable to the specific selling we do.” – RH, Director, Four Communications

Learn more about LDL Sales & Business Development Training

In today’s competitive ‘era of the client’, professional services firms are expected to deliver a high quality experience to their clients. Clients are becoming increasingly cost-conscious, and professionals must seek to add value at every touchpoint.
LDL Service Excellence training focuses on the skills required to develop the service experience of your clients. Learn how to communicate assertively and professionally, and add consistent value to your client relationships.

“The course leader really knew her subject, an interesting and engaging programme. The trainer was very good at helping me see things from a different perspective.” – JP, Vice President, ING Bank

Learn more about LDL Service Excellence Training

Highly qualified professionals can expect to be judged critically on their presentation skills. Clients want to work with professionals who, while possessing all the necessary technical expertise, are also able to cut through the jargon, engage an audience and clearly communicate the essentials.
LDL Presentation and Pitching Skills programmes aim to help professionals structure, prepare and deliver more engaging, more effective presentations whether as part of the business development process, or for internal meetings.

“Completely new light on presentation skills. Practical but incredibly supportive and nonthreatening environment … a revelation for me and nothing I had ever seen before. Copyright it!” – GJ, Director, RSM

Learn more about LDL Presentation Skills Training

In today’s competitive business environment, clients are becoming increasingly confident when challenging the fees presented to them by their professional services partners. Many professionals are unsure how to respond to the fee challenge, and in their desire to keep clients loyal and happy, will often immediately discount their fees – resulting in significantly lower profit margins.
LDL Fee Negotiation training equips professionals with the fundamental negotiation skills to justify their fees, manage expectations regarding potential over-runs, and develop confidence when customers ‘push-back’.

“Before attending the seminar I would never even have asked for full payment for the overrun” – Top Law Firm (actual reference available on request)

Learn more about LDL Fee Negotiation Training

Developing an effective team in the professional services sector is not just about cultivating technical expertise. It also involves effectively managing projects and relationships, setting the direction and cultivating a real business drive.
LDL Leadership, Management and Coaching programmes are designed to build the skills of managers and leaders, to enable them to grow high-performing teams and get more out of their people.

“Energetic and brilliantly delivered with lovely memorable stories and analogies. Serious content made attractively approachable.” – PW, Senior Director, Kantar Millward Brown

Learn more about LDL Leadership & Management Training

“The trainer was an outstanding leader for this type of course. I have attended many courses and never before felt engaged from the first minutes of the day right through to filling out the evaluation form. Content, pace, notebook, slides, group activit
– JW, Senior Manager, KPMG
Skill + Will™ – Learning that Delivers

Professionals are short on time, and want their investment in training to make an impact. At LDL we are practitioners of Skill + Will™, because we recognise it is important not only to coach the relevant skills, but also to cultivate the interest and enthusiasm needed to apply them.

LDL consultants have extensive experience delivering high-energy, high-impact training programmes that deliver lasting change.

“Excellent. The trainer was very knowledgeable and engaging. The interactive nature of the day was helpful. Lots to take away and put into practice.”
– NF, Associate Director, Indigo Planning
To tailor the programme we will:
  1. Meet with you to determine your objectives and success criteria.
  2. Research and design the programme.
  3. Deliver the programme at a site chosen by you.
  4. Meet with you after the programme to evaluate its success and ensure the necessary measurement and follow-up is in place.

These are the stages you would expect from a quality consultancy.

Get in touch

Please get in touch with our team to discuss our cirtual instructor-led training and online courses further. You can call +44 (0)20 7381 6233 or email or complete the enquiry from.